My First Experience In Cooking Laboratory

In my first experience in cooking I didn't know how to use the kitchen tools and how to cook, it is hard for me who does not know how to cook like others but when you determine to learn ,you can do it, not now but soon. Cooking was a lot of fun and I personally learned lot. We learned skills to use in the kitchen Everyone enjoyed different parts of each paraphernalia. I think everyone tried at least one new food. Cooking class is something everyone should do, cooking class has really helped me to realize that cooking and eating healthy are two really great things that you can do for your body. It has also helped me realize that eating healthy isn't bad at all. If you cook the right dish and you cook it well it can be a very delicious meal. Me and all of the other people that came and helped were really nice and make the whole experience muchmore fun. Overall, cooking class was a really great experi...